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In our daily lives there are different things we do that require us to SEE at different distances. We have grouped some of these vision activities into 5 lifestyle zones. Think about the things in life you want to do the most without depending on glasses after cataract surgery. Which group is the most important? —Please choose an option—Newsprint, books, reading maps or sewing.Computer screens, menus, price tages or headlines.Watching TV, cooking, cleaning or indoor activties.Driving, playing golf, seeing road signs.Night Driving, watching movies.
How interested are you in seeing at a distance, driving or playing golf without glasses after your cataract surgery? —Please choose an option—It's very important to me.It's not important to me.
Are you interested in seeing well up close (reading) without glasses after your cataract surgery? —Please choose an option—It's very important to meIt's not important to me.
If you had to wear glasses after your vision treatment for one of the following activities, which one would you most be willing to wear glasses for? —Please choose an option—Reading fine print.Using a computer or cooking.Driving a car.
If you could have good vision for driving during the day without glasses, and good near vision without glasses in most situations, would you be able to tolerate some halos and glare around lights at night? —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you could have good distance vision day and night, and good vision for computer work, without glasses, would you be willing to wear glasses for reading fine print and small type? —Please choose an option—YesNo
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