We know making the decision to have procedures on your eyes is a big decision and can also cause concern. We have created a list of several questions we receive from our patients for you to review prior to your appointment. As always, we are here to help; contact us with further questions and we’ll be glad to assist.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of your eye. Clouded vision can make it more difficult to read, drive a car or see the expression on a friend’s face. Clouding of the lens is a normal part of getting older.


What are the symptoms of Cataracts?

  • Bright Colors Become Dull
  • Halos Around Lights
  • Difficulty Reading In Low Light
  • Blurred or Double Vision
  • Frequent Changing of Glasses Prescription


What are the goals of cataract surgery?

  • Provide a Full Range of Vision
  • Minimize Dependence on Glasses
  • Improve Lifestyle Activities


Does cataract surgery hurt?

Thanks to numbing drops and medications to help you relax, this procedure involves minimal discomfort. Usually, your surgeon will use a local/topical anesthetic to numb your eye and you will remain awake during the surgery.


I have cataracts in both eyes. Will the doctor treat both at the same time?

Typically, doctors will perform surgery in the second eye two or three weeks after the first eye. All patients are different, so talk to your doctor about what is right for you.


How long will I be in the hospital or surgery center?

Patients commonly spend only a few hours at the hospital or surgery center, and are allowed to go home the very same day.


How long after surgery can I see and return to normal activities?

Every patient and every eye is different, but patients commonly see well enough to drive the day after surgery. Most patients can resume normal basic activities like reading and watching TV by the next day, and return to work within a one to seven days. You should ask your doctor what is best for you.


Do I have to use eye drops before and after surgery?

Yes. Usually three (3) days before your surgery you will begin using eye drops to prepare for surgery. You will continue to use drops until told to discontinue by your doctor. Typically, this is a couple of weeks. Always ask your doctor before stopping the use of any prescribed medicine or eye drop.


Will I need glasses after cataract surgery?

It depends on what type of intraocular lens you elect to have implanted. Most patients do not need glasses or contacts for distance tasks following cataract surgery with a traditional monofocal IOL, but still rely on reading glasses for near tasks. In the clinical trials for the ReSTOR and REZOOM, a significant number of patients reported never wearing glasses for distance, intermediate or near tasks after their surgery.


Can my cataract come back?

No. However, over time, patients may complain that their vision has once again become cloudy. This sometimes a common condition, which may occur with any type of IOL, is known as a secondary cataract or “PCO.” Secondary cataracts can be easily treated in the office.


What is LASIK?

Here at AbellEyes in Lexington, Kentucky, Custom Wavefront LASIK is the procedure of choice because it is preferred by experienced refractive surgeons (LASIK surgeons) around the world. LASIK is an acronym for Laser In-situ Keratomileusis, which means, “to shape the cornea within using a laser.” Before the recent advancements in technology, eye doctors were only able to use standard measurements to correct vision, meaning that prescriptions could only provide a certain level of corrections regardless of an individual’s needs. Now, they can measure and correct the unique imperfections of each individual’s vision and provide them with the potential to experience better vision than is possible with glasses or contact lenses. It treats nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea (the transparent dome covering of the eye) to refocus light rays more precisely on the retina. We may perform your Lasik on the Allegretto Wave Eye-Q Laser.


How long does LASIK take to perform?

The procedure lasts only a few seconds and is performed by Dr. Tom Abell, M.D., one of the most recognized LASIK surgeons in Kentucky, as well as the entire U.S.


Does LASIK hurt?

Because the cornea is easily numbed with “eye drop” anesthesia, patients report little, if any discomfort, both during and after the procedure.


What results should I expect? How quickly will I see those results? How long will those results last?

You will see results from Lasik Eye Surgery within 1 to 6 months of the procedure. 97% of people reach 20/20 vision. The results of Lasik are long-term; most people only need one Lasik procedure during their lifetime unless they experience cataracts.


Will I need someone to drive me home following my procedure?

Yes. Every patient is given a mild sedative to relax them prior to the procedure. No one should drive after being given this medication for 24 hours. Also the vision following your procedure will be a little blurry due to the medication and lubricating drops given during the procedure.


Are both eyes treated the same day?

Yes, in most cases. Most patients prefer the convenience of having both eyes treated the same day, but occasionally there are reasons that it would not be advisable.


What can I expect following the procedure?

Following your LASIK procedure, drops are placed on the eye to facilitate the healing process. After your LASIK treatment you will need to go home and rest. Sleep is very helpful to the eyes and ensures quicker healing following the procedure.


How quick is the recovery time for Lasik surgery and how quickly can I return to work?

After your procedure, you should rest your eyes for 24 hours. Usually the next day you can return to work.


What are the potential risk of Lasik?

According to the American Refraticve Surgery Council, the following are potential side effects of Lasik:

  • Up to 30 percent of patients experience dry eye symptoms in the first three months after surgery.
  • Less than five percent of the time, glasses, contact lenses or additional LASIK treatment may be needed to smooth out any remaining nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or higher-order aberrations on the cornea that contribute to visual symptoms.
  • Some may have dry eye, glare, halos, and night vision symptoms for six to 12 months – usually this is part of their healing. For those very few patients who experience these side effects there are therapeutic treatments.


What are the alternate treatment options Abell Eyes provides?

  • Photorefractive Keratectomy or PRK is a type of laser eye surgery for vision correction. In PRK, the thin outer layer of the cornea is removed and the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped with an excimer laser. Post-surgery, this thin layer will repair itself and grown back within a few days of the operation.
  • Advanced Surface Ablation or ASA is a laser eye surgery treatment where only the surface of the stromal layer of the cornea is ablated and reshaped by the laser. Because of this, the deepest layers of the cornea stroma are left untouched.
  • Continuing with contacts or glasses.